In February 2023, two of my very, very close friends and I started a journey of self-improvement by working on grown-up merit badges. It’s like scouts for adults. Not quite sure how or when I became an adult, as I certainly didn’t sign up for it, but here we are.
I’m in the middle.
It’s been really fun working on the badges and I’ve definitely tried some things I wouldn’t have thought of otherwise – it has encouraged me to take a pottery class and to work on my French skills (or lack thereof, lol). I’m really enjoying it.
A lot of the stuff I’ve been working on is crafting and getting together with my friends to work on badges (which is, itself, a badge) has been really fun.
I’ve completed 7 badges so far:
- Builder
- Linguist
- Rebel Buddy
- My Collection (board games, of course)
- My Roots
- Brain Games
Badges I’m currently working on include:
- Craft
- Craft Part Two
- Crafter (Advanced)
- Scrapbooker
- Writer
- World Traveller
- Adulting
- Board Games
- Gardener
- My Passion
- Camper
More to come later, of course, but here are a few photos of some of the stuff I’ve done. 😊
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