I unabashedly love Halloween. Always have. When I was in high school, we lived in an absolutely perfect trick-or-treating neighborhood – a bunch of quiet streets with tons of kids. We’d come back with pillowcases full of candy and spend November on a non-stop sugar high.

Most years I put a lot of effort into putting a costume together, and I’ve come up with some really good ones. Almost every year since having my kid, me, my husband, and my kid have been doing family costumes, and we’ll continue to do so until my kid decides he’s too cool for it.

Here is a sampling of Halloween costumes through the years.


Hard to see in the photo, but I was a fire hydrant, lol. I made it out of yellow poster board. It was particularly good because my boyfriend at the time was a volunteer firefighter, so we went around together.


SNL was one of my favorite shows, so it’s no surprise that I dressed up as a beloved character from the show, Mary Catherine Gallagher, seen here with my brother and sister.


One miiiiiiiiiillion dollars. Dr. Evil, complete with bald cap. Turns out I’m allergic to latex, lol.


Bob Ross, complete with chin pubes (I cut some hair off the wig and spirit-gummed it to my face). 🤣


My girl, Velma.


Why yes, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is my favorite movie, why?


Quite possibly my simplest and favorite costume, I’m the next contestant on The Price is Right!




OH YEEEAAAAAHHHH!!! Kool-aid Man costume (with kid inside).


No costume from me this year, but I have to share this one of Calv- er, my kid. 🙂


Ahhh, the days before JKR showed her true transphobic colors. It took So. Long. to cut out all of those “feathers”. Anyway, here we’ve got Hedwig, Harry Potter, and Luna Lovegood.


Another of my favorites (you’re shocked, I’m sure). Gandalf, Frodo, and Strider.


To infinity… and beyond! Buzz Lightyear and Woody, and that’s me as Rex. That costume was WARM and fogged up and was very hard to see out of, lol.


Batman and his parents. 🤣


Low-effort pandemic costumes this year, meow.


Another low-effort year, Care Bear and astronaut.


Kid wanted to be the Grim Reaper (and then completely eschewed the hood), so we were skeletons (I was a rainbow skeleton).


I’m really looking forward to this year’s costume!

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