What even are Hobbits?
Hobbits are not mentioned in Tolkien’s creation myth, the Ainulindalë published as part of The Silmarillion. So what are they and where did they come from?
hot takes on assorted bullshit.
Hobbits are not mentioned in Tolkien’s creation myth, the Ainulindalë published as part of The Silmarillion. So what are they and where did they come from?
Cue Seinfeld joke here. But seriously, we know that the Elves have three rings of power, and that they’ve been wearing and using them for a while. Why weren’t they affected like…
Celebrimbor was one of the greatest of the Elven smiths, save only maybe for his grandpappy Fëanor (dick). But who was he, really?
Lest you think I save up all of my enmity for the Hobbit movies for my blog, I would like to call your attention to a real, actual presentation I made at…
Ok. I’m finally getting around to watching the next episode. Here we go! Liveblog for initial watch-through of Rings of Power S1 E2 I’ve put my initial thoughts as I was watching…
He may have been super skilled, but Fëanor might just have been the biggest dick in the history of Middle Earth. Allow me to make my case.
Liveblog for initial watch-through of Rings of Power S1 E1 I’ve put my initial thoughts as I was watching in the main bullets, and then pulled out any additional info I added…
Screenshot of show cover image from Amazon Prime So I’ve been putting off watching Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Not for any specific reason, mind you.